Blog right triangle Part 2: USDOL Registered Apprenticeship – The Blueprint for Success
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Part 2: USDOL Registered Apprenticeship – The Blueprint for Success

By Mary Knight | Communications Specialist, CareerWise


Registering an apprenticeship isn’t only beneficial for apprentices, though. Employers benefit from registration as well. 

Registering an apprenticeship gives a business’ training program more credibility by showing they have a high standard of quality. This, in turn, makes attracting and retaining talent easier because the students know the work-based learning competencies they gain will be applicable and recognized across the industry nationally.

In addition, since the experience is defined in part by the USDOL, a registered apprenticeship gives the employer (and the apprentice) a structured outline that can serve as the basis for a training plan, including specific skills and competencies that will be important to increasing the likelihood of a mutually beneficial experience for both the employer and apprentice. 

And, there’s the potential to access federal funding through the registered apprenticeship. The funding is designed to encourage employers to hire apprentices by covering costs related to the training.


For employers who have yet to register their occupations, the process of registering an apprenticeship can seem intimidating and time-consuming. 

This is where CareerWise comes in.

As an intermediary, CareerWise works with the employer and the USDOL to process the registration of apprenticeships. CareerWise youth apprenticeships are developed to align with Registered Apprenticeship, and the CareerWise staff is available to answer any questions and help walk employers through ​​the process. 

Additionally, CareerWise can serve as a sponsor for an employer’s registered apprenticeships. Assigning sponsorship to CareerWise creates a more streamlined process for employers as CareerWise leverages its expertise in registering apprenticeships and serves as the main point of contact to the USDOL, taking the administrative lead in the initial and ongoing reporting.

In the last few years, CareerWise has made swift progress in registering apprenticeships with many of the most in-demand youth apprentice occupations already being approved by the USDOL. This fall alone, CareerWise successfully registered 13 new youth apprentice occupations and competency sets with the USDOL to meet the needs of employers. CareerWise works with employers and industry associations to identify early-career occupations that can help close the skills gap through youth apprenticeship, creates competency plans with industry experts to ensure the training plans deliver value to employers and apprentices and then works with the federal government to gain approval. 

Employer support for and interest in youth apprenticeship continues to grow, building momentum for a stronger, more scalable youth apprenticeship system.

“Integration into the Registered Apprenticeship system is the first step towards youth apprenticeship at scale,” said Williams. “Employers are recognizing the value of talent pipelines outside of the traditional four-year universities, and the adaptability and innovation of a workforce that combines theory and practice.”